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7 Secrets to a Decluttered Kitchen

7 Secrets to a Decluttered Kitchen

A kitchen is a place that can get cluttered very quickly as we collect items over time. Many kitchens have well-planned storage, but even that does not prevent the cupboards and drawers from getting cluttered.

Preparing and cooking meals in a cluttered kitchen will dampen your creativity and dull your mood. You should have a clean, clear and calm kitchen to cook your favourite meals for you and your loved ones. Remember that the initial decluttering of the kitchen is the first part of the process, but there is a continuous process that needs to occur to keep your kitchen beautiful. Here are 7 secrets to keep your kitchen a clutter-free, calm and happy place to be in!

1. Donate duplicate items/rarely used items

When you are deciding which items are not necessary to keep, remember you only need one of each specialised utensil, an example is an egg-lifter. You very rarely need to use 3 egg-lifters at the same time. Keep only one of each main cooking utensils you may need. Have enough cutlery and crockery for your family and regular visitors. More is not required, especially if you are struggling with storage space.

2. Dispose of damaged items or repurpose them some way

Any chipped items and items that are no longer functional without being a full set will need to go in the throw away box. Tupperware tubs that don’t have lids are not worth hanging on to. Items that no longer match a set could be donated or keep it but only if you use it regularly. Some glassware could be used to hold jewelry, accessories, pens or other trinkets in the house. Think about options for repurposing before throwing.

3. Clear counter tops of as many items as possible

Scan your kitchen countertops. Are there items on the countertops that could be stored out of sight or elsewhere? Try to clear the counter tops of everything except a few daily essential items such as the kettle and toaster.

4. Keep frequently used items near the front of the shelves or in the top drawers

When organizing utensils, crockery and food items; keep those items that are frequently used; in the front of the shelf or in the first drawer. Put less frequently used things further back or in storage high up or low down. This gives you more space for those things you need quickly and make them easy to find.

5. Label clear containers of food so you can see how much you have

Label and use clear containers to store food items, such as cereals, spices, flours, grains; so that you can see how much you have. Using larger tubs to group similar items together is helpful especially for deep shelves, where you can pull the tubs out to access the items. Label these with general categories to give you more use out of the tub. Examples may be ‘Pasta’, ‘Sauces’ and ‘Snacks’.

6. Use hidden storage to minimize visual clutter

Items that should be stored out of sight are smaller items that create too much visual clutter when visible. If you have open shelving, you can use baskets, tins or tubs to hide smaller items. Make sure that what is visible, is aesthetically pleasing and matches the style of your kitchen. Examples could be ceramic and wooden bowls, teapots and glassware. This will create a calm and unified look.

7. Add a plant or two to reconnect with nature

Having plants or herbs in the kitchen will brighten the mood and inspire you to spend more time in your kitchen. Look for areas that are a bit bare and fill it with a herb pot or two. Install a hanging plant in front of the window to bring the sunlight in. Artificial plants are also great to add some interest and brightness on a shelf or on the top of a cupboard that is dull in color.

If you would like to know more about how to organize and declutter your home, contact Fern from Calm The Clutter to find out more. Follow Fern on @calmtheclutternow on Instagram and Facebook, or see the website

Or email and call 055 884 9437


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